Participate as a Vendor
Participate as a Vendor

Participate as a Vendor

Put yourself on the map of of community vendors, and if you host a performance or event you too can be part of the Fringe's Off-Off program! You'll get a space on our website and on our app.

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One of the aims of the MILAN OFF FRINGE FESTIVAL 2023 is to develop Milan’s territorial marketing by involving merchants and cultural realities of the city’s neighborhoods.

The commercial entities that decide to adhere to the Festival become part of a high quality and impactful cultural event; Milan therefore becomes a central hub and showcase for both the performing arts and local businesses at the same time.

Your business can collaborate through promotional discounts as a "friend of the Festival," you can also decide to host small performances such as readings or other events. You will be able to insert yourself directly within the Milano Off website, gaining visibility for your business.

Joining the festival is easy:

Fill out the form at the bottom of the page by entering your business details.

Once you have signed up, your business will immediately be listed on the map of affiliate partners, becoming a distribution and promotion point for MILAN OFF and appearing among the optional choices for every online show purchase.

But that's not all!

You also have the ability to organize events in your establishment by selecting artists who apply to the “Off-Off,” non-competitive section of the festival, and in agreement with  MI OFF management, you can schedule quality events in your space. All events approved by MI OFF management will be posted on both the official website and the APP.

Participating merchants can also opt to be a point of sale for the MILANO OFF FIL CARD.

Artistic DirectionRenato Lombardo 
General Direction: Francesca Vitale

Associazione Culturale - Milano OFF
Sede: Via Fontana 22 - 20122 Milano 
info - tel. +39 391 1418299
direzione - tel. +39 347 6372592


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Completa la richiesta di partecipazione al bando pagando la quota di partecipazione di € 15,00.